• Open the pages to a perfect world of romance, love at first sight and happy endings with our super collection of vintage Barbara Cartland books, including some first editions.

    Read about her life and browse her quaint old romance novels. Sublime escapism for the true romantic, with irresistible heroes and heroines. Follow their path to true love and enjoy a truly stress free read.

    If vintage romance books had a colour, Barbara Cartland's books would be pink, so join her and see the world through rose-coloured spectacles. A fun nostalgic read for the true romantics amongst us.

  • Barbara Cartland
Barbara Cartland

“As I sit there I’m simply telling myself a story, and I am told my
voice changes as I take each separate part – I see exactly what is
happening as I describe it and I live through each dramatic incident.”

"People don’t roll around naked in my books. I do allow them to go to bed if they’re married, but it’s all very wonderful and the moon beams."
Barbara Cartland

Barbara Cartland was born on July 9, 1901, in Edgbaston, Birmingham, England to her parents Bertram Cartland, a major in the Worcestershire regiment, and Polly (Scobel) Cartland. Her grandfather James Cartland, who lived in rather a grand house built in the flamboyant Gothic style, had made his money with a brass factory and her mother's family from Gloucestershire were minor landed gentry. Her life was not without the shadow of tragedy, her grandfather facing bankruptcy ended his own life with a shotgun, an act that was to have a disastrous effect upon her family's financial security.

After the death of James Cartland, finances dictated that her mother and father's lifestyle had to change from a comfortable country house with a dozen domestic staff to (stealing an expression from 19th century books); 'love in a cottage'.  With only two servants to support their family it was a struggle to maintain a respectable veneer, her father rode a bicycle around and her mother Polly determined not to be crushed by adverse circumstances adopted the motto "Poor I may be, but common I am not."

The determination of Barbara's mother to maintain social standing meant that Barbara still grew up mixing with the high society set...

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The young Barbara Cartland was entranced by the blossoming romances and fashions. Sadly, during the First World War, tragedy struck again, her father Bertie was killed in the trenches. Poignantly, Barbara wrote to her mother 'I have had my coat and skirt dyed black,' apparently their available funds didn't stretch to such luxuries as buying new mourning clothes.

Still hanging on to their lives amongst the wealthier families Barbara was fascinated by high society, she managed to have a London season and cunningly coerced the art student Norman Hartnell, (eventually famed for our late Queen's wardrobe) to make her dresses for free. Presumably the charming Barbara was an attractive model and this arrangement worked rather well for both of them.

Having experienced a London season it wasn't long before Barbara managed to get her first job as a gossip columnist, whilst harbouring the ambition to write her own novels. In 1923 she achieved this ambition with her first romance book 'Jigsaw' earning her the grand sum of £200.

During this era Barbara reputedly received around fifty marriage proposals! She later in life confessed that she actually didn't like being touched very much and that she turned down marriage proposals after her mother explained to her what happened during 'marital relations' between men and women.

When she eventually married it was to Alexander George McCorquodale in 1927. He drank and 'marital relations' apparently were not good, the final straw came when she found scandalous love letters in his wallet. She did have a child with her husband, Raine, but subsequently they divorced in 1933. During the contentious divorce proceedings, where she sued her husband for adultery, he cited Barbara's relations with his brother Hugo Mcorquodale whom he claimed 'visited' her in her bedroom. The judge dismissed the relevance of this but it was no surprise that she later married Hugh McCorquodale in 1936.

Her marriage to Hugh produced two children Ian and Glen, and at the end of her days Barbara said that the twenty seven years she spent with Hugh were the happiest of her life. Through her daughter from her first marriage Raine, Barbara eventually became connected to royalty when Raine's stepdaughter, Diana wed the Prince of Wales.

Barbara famously stated that Diana would "reign forever as the queen of love". However, when the marriage faltered, Dame Barbara was quick to remark, "She has never really understood men."

According to Barbara the only books Princess Diana read were her own romantic novels, (and there certainly is a photo of a young Diana surrounded by Barbara Cartland paperbacks) she did admit in later life that this probably gave the young Diana rather unrealistic romantic expectations.

Barbara had a steely determination to go through life on her own terms, somewhat at odds with her unfailing romanticism. She believed in love and all things pink and maintained an air of glamour throughout the entirety of her life. Her views on women's roles in marriage have been castigated but she also did much pioneering work in natural health as well as charitable work particularly with St John's Ambulance. For her continued efforts for this charity, she was invested as a member of the Order of St John in 1946, her subsequent work seeing her awarded the rank of Dame of Grace within the Order.

The second world war took the lives of both her brothers, Ronald and Tony, both brothers were killed in action at Dunkirk. Her brother Ronald was closely affiliated with Winston Churchill who wrote a glowing foreword to Barbara's memoir of him. Spurred on by this tragedy during the Second World War she joined the Women’s Voluntary Service (WVS) and as a welfare officer she put her romantic expertise to good use assuming the role of a wedding planner. To help wartime wives achieve the longed for white wedding she set up a much loved service providing second-hand wedding dresses for the bride's special days at a time when such luxuries were extremely scarce. It is no doubt this service was very well received.

Her romance books, although light-hearted were meticulously researched, often with a historical note at the beginning of each book to set the scene. She purportedly clashed with the author Georgette Heyer who wrote disgruntled letters claiming direct plagiarism although this was never definitively proved Barbara did seem to make a concession with one of her novels later published as being written 'in the style of Georgette Heyer'. There is no denying however, that Barbara Cartland had her own definitive style. Fun, Frothy and Frou Frou. She still became one of the greatest selling authors of all time.

Much like Enid Blyton her prolific output followed a rigid routine. Every day she dictated to her secretary in the living room of her Hampshire mansion she mockingly called 'the factory'. After the loss of her husband Hugh her writing output dramatically increased, she probably found great solace in the world of romance she created.

Cartland wrote and published hundreds of novels, both contemporary and historical romances. Many of her historical novels were set in the Victorian or Edwardian periods, capturing the elegance, grandeur, and societal norms of those eras. Her contemporary romances often depicted passionate love stories in glamorous settings.

Cartland's novels were known for their romantic plots, strong and virtuous heroines, dashing heroes, and happy endings. Her books explored the enduring themes of love, honour, loyalty, and overcoming obstacles in the pursuit of true love. Cartland's inimitable writing style, frothy and scintillating, with vivid and enthusiastic descriptions (very much like the personality of the lady herself), endeared her to millions of romance readers worldwide.

Barbara received several awards, including the Gold Medal of the City of Paris for Achievement in 1988, for selling 25 million books in France. It took many years but eventually in 1991, with great pride she achieved the Damehood that she had long coveted becoming Dame Barbara Cartland, Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) invested by Queen Elizabeth II in 1991.

Even greater perhaps, than her Damehood, she certainly earned the title given to her by Vogue magazine, the 'Queen of Romance'. Cartland's legacy as the Queen of Romance continues to resonate with readers and writers alike. Her influence on the romance genre, particularly that of historical romance books, is undeniable. She popularized the formula of passionate love stories with happy endings. Her books have been translated into numerous languages and she is now believed to have sold nearly a billion copies of her books, that number around 700 titles.

We can forever connect the name of Barbara Cartland with the word 'Romance' and as with Schiaperelli, she is completely inseparable in our minds from her trademark pink!

If only one more thing could be said about Dame Barbara Cartland, it would be that she was determined to see her world through the rose-coloured spectacles of romance.

Some Fun Facts:

📚 Barbara Cartland wrote 723 novels, mostly romance, selling over 750 million copies.

💍 Her heroines never go to bed without a ring on their fingers.

🏰 She rented her London home to Dwight D. Eisenhower during World War II.

👗 She organized white dresses for women in the service so they wouldn't have to get married in uniform.

🏡 She moved into the house where Beatrix Potter wrote "The Tale of Peter Rabbit."

🗣️ She produced 8000 words a day, dictating them to assistants.

🌹 She championed the rights of Romany people in England.

🎨 She tried her hand at designing wallpaper and perfume.

👑 Her daughter Raine married Princess Diana's stepmother.

👩‍👧‍👦 The late Princess Diana was an avid reader of Barbara Cartland's books.

Books by this Author

A timeline of Popular Barbara Cartland Book Series:

Camfield Novels of Love:

Lucky Logan Finds Love (1980)
The Poor Governess (1982)
Light of the Gods (1982)
Love and the Marquis (1982)
Winged Victory (1982)
Lucky In Love (1982)
A Miracle in Music (1982)
Miracle In Mexico (1982)
White Lilac (1984)
Bride to a Brigand (1984)
Love Comes West (1984)
A Witch's Spell (1984)
Secrets (1984)
The Storms of Love (1984)
Moonlight on Sphinx (1984)
Revenge of the Heart (1984)
Royal Punishment (1984)
Island of Love (1984)
Theresa and a Tiger (1984)
The Devilish Deception (1985)
Look With Love (1985)
Victory for Love (1985)
Love Is Heaven (1985)
Miracle For A Madonna (1985)
A Very Unusual Wife (1985)
The Peril and the Prince (1985)
Alone and Afraid (1985)
Temptation of a Teacher (1985)
Paradise Found (1985)
Love Is A Gamble (1985)
The Devil Defeated (1985)
Dancing on a Rainbow (1986)
The Love Trap (1986)
Riding in the Sky (1986)
A Caretaker of Love (1986)
Bewildered in Berlin (1986)
A World of Love (1986)
The Golden Cage (1986)
Never Forget Love (1986)
Helga In Hiding (1986)
Safe at Last (1986)
Haunted (1986)
Secret of the Mosque (1986)
Crowned With Love (1986)
Escape (1986)
An Angel Runs Away (1986)
Love Joins The Clans (1986)
A Dream In Spain (1986)
Listen to Love (1986)
Forced to Marry (1987)
The Goddess of Love (1987)
The Herb For Happiness (1987)
An Adventure of Love (1987)
Love Is Invincible (1987)
A Circus For Love (1987)
Love Casts Out Fear (1987)
Saved by Love (1987)
Wanted - A Wedding Ring (1987)
The Earl Escapes (1987)
Starlight Over Tunis (1987)
The Love Puzzle (1987)
Love and Kisses (1987)
Lovers in Lisbon (1988)
Sapphires In Siam (1988)
Revolution of Love (1988)
Little Tongues of Fire (1988)
The Passionate Princess (1988)
Secrets of the Heart (1988)
A Chieftain Finds Love (1988)
The Lovely Liar (1988)
Revenge Is Sweet (1988)
Only a Dream (1988)
Perfume Of The Gods (1988)
Love at First Sight (1989)
Perfect Pearl (1989)
A Knight in Paris (1989)
Solita and the Spies (1989)
The Taming of a Tigress (1989)
Love Is a Maze (1989)
The Temple of Love (1989)
The Bargain Bride (1989)
Paradise in Penang (1990)
Real Love or Fake (1990)
Love Is the Key (1990)
Kiss from a Stranger (1990)
Beauty or Brains? (1990)
Very Special Love (1990)
Haunted Heart (1990)
The Necklace Of Love (1990)
The Marquis Wins (1990)
Earl Rings A Belle (1990)
Love Lifts The Curse (1991)
No Disguise For Love (1991)
The Queen Saves the King (1991)
Too Precious to Lose (1991)
Hiding (1991)
A Tangled Web (1991)
Just Fate (1991)
Warned by a Ghost (1991)
Two Hearts In Hungary (1991)
A Theatre of Love (1991)
Walking To Wonderland (1992)
Hidden By Love (1992)
A Wish Comes True (1992)
Wicked Widow (1992)
A Dynasty of Love (1992)
Love Strikes A Devil (1992)
Magic From The Heart (1992)
Windmill of Love (1992)
Love and War (1992)
A Coronation of Love (1992)
Seek the Stars (1992)
Loved for Himself (1992)
Kiss in Rome (1992)
Born of Love (1992)
Fascination In France (1993)
The Cave of Love (1993)
Terror from the Throne (1993)
Peaks of Ecstasy (1993)
The Angel and the Rake (1993)
The Queen of Hearts (1993)
To Scotland and Love (1993)
Love at the Ritz (1993)
The Dangerous Marriage (1993)
Good or Bad? (1993)
A Royal Rebuke (1994)
The Eyes of Love (1994)
Look with the Heart (1994)
This Is Love (1994)
Running Away to Love (1994)
Safe In Paradise (1994)
The Duke Finds Love (1994)
The Wonderful Dream (1994)
The Dare-devil Duke (1994)
Never Lose Love (1994)
The Spirit of Love (1994)
Saved by a Saint (1994)
The Innocent Imposter (1995)
The Incomparable (1995)
The Loveless Marriage (1995)
Magical Moment (1995)
Love In The Ruins (1995)
Patient Bridegroom (1995)
Protection of Love (1995)
Running From Russia (1995)
Someone to Love (1995)
Beyond The Stars (1995)
Passage to Love (1995)
An Icicle in India (1995)
Three Days to Love (1996)

Publication Order of Eternal Collection Books:

Hungry for Love (1942)
This Time It's Love (1944)
Escape from Passion (1945)
Hazard of Hearts (1949)
The Little Pretender (1950)
A Ghost in Monte Carlo (1951)
Elizabethan Lover (1953)
The Enchanted Waltz (1955)
The Kiss of the Devil (1955)
The Kiss Of Paris (1956)
Love Forbidden (1957)
Stars in my Heart (1957)
Sweet Adventure (1957)
Sweet Enchantress (1958)
The Golden Gondola (1958)
Love in Hiding (1959)
The Runaway Heart (1961)
Love is Dangerous (1963)
The Hidden Evil (1963)
The Fire of Love (1968)
The Pretty Horse-Breakers (1971)
The Audacious Adventuress (1971)
The Irresistible Buck (1972)
The Reluctant Bride (1972)
Lost Enchantment (1972)
Say Yes, Samantha (1973)
The Glittering Lights (1974)
No Darkness for Love (1974)
The Dangerous Dandy (1974)
The Karma of Love (1974)
The Ruthless Rake (1974)
The Magnificent Marriage (1974)
The Penniless Peer (1974)
As Eagles Fly (1975)
The Impetuous Duchess (1975)
Love is Innocent (1975)
The Flame Is Love (1975)
Call of the Heart (1975)
The Tears of Love (1975)
A Gamble with Hearts (1975)
The Shadow of Sin (1975)
The Odious Duke (1975)
Fire on the Snow (1975)
A Kiss for the King (1975)
Never Laugh at Love (1976)
The Wild Cry of Love (1976)
Secret of the Glen (1976)
The Secret of the Glen (1976)
The Husband Hunters (1976)
The Slaves of Love (1976)
The Proud Princess (1976)
The Disgraceful Duke (1976)
The Dream and The Glory (1976)
The Golden Illusion (1976)
Passions in the Sand (1976)
An Angel in Hell (1976)
The Blue Eyed Witch (1976)
Love and the Loathsome Leopard (1977)
Look Listen and Love (1977)
The Castle Made for Love (1977)
The Love Pirate (1977)
The Magic of Love (1977)
A Touch of Love (1977)
A Duel With Destiny (1977)
The Sign Of Love (1977)
The Punishment of a Vixen (1977)
The Outrageous Lady (1977)
The Marquis Who Hated Woman (1977)
The Chieftain Without a Heart (1978)
Alone in Paris (1978)
Looking For Love (1978)
The Passion and the Flower (1978)
Lord Ravenscars Revenge (1978)
Love Lords and Ladybirds (1978)
Lovers In Paradise (1978)
The Duke and the Preacher's Daughter (1978)
The Ghost who fell in Love (1978)
The Race for Love (1978)
Love Leaves at Midnight (1978)
A Princess in Distress (1978)
Love in the Clouds (1979)
The Duchess Disappeared (1979)
Only Love (1979)
A Gentlemen In Love (1979)
The Prince and The Pekingese (1979)
Imperial Splendour (1979)
No Time For Love (1979)
The Prisoner of Love (1979)
Love Climbs In (1979)
Love in the Dark (1979)
Flowers For the God of love (1979)
A Nightingale Sang (1979)
Terror in the Sun (1979)
Women Have Hearts (1979)
The Goddess and the Gaiety Girl (1980)
Lucifer and the Angel (1980)
Bride to the King (1980)
A Heart Is Stolen (1980)
Punished with Love (1980)
The Horizons Of Love (1980)
The Power and the Prince (1980)
A Song of Love (1980)
The Dawn of Love (1980)
Love For Sale (1980)
Ola and the Sea Wolf (1980)
Lost Laughter (1980)
From Hell to Heaven (1980)
No Escape from Love (1981)
Gift of the Gods (1981)
A Portrait of Love (1981)
Pride and the Poor Princess (1981)
The Heart of the Clan (1981)
Winged Magic (1981)
An Innocent in Russia (1981)
Count the Stars (1981)
Pure and Untouched (1981)
Signpost to Love (1981)
Kiss of Life (1981)
Dollars for the Duke (1981)
The Wings of Ecstasy (1981)
Enchanted (1981)
In The Arms of Love (1981)
The River of Love (1981)
A Shaft of Sunlight (1981)
For All Eternity (1981)
Love at the Helm (1982)
A King in Love (1982)
A Marriage Made In Heaven (1982)
From Hate to Love (1982)
Love on the Wind (1982)
Love Wins (1982)
The Call of The Highlands (1982)
Kneel For Mercy (1982)
Caught by Love (1982)
Mission to Monte Carlo (1982)
Wish for Love (1982)
Riding to the Moon (1982)
The Duke Comes Home (1982)
Diona and a Dalmatian (1983)
Love and Lucia (1983)
Journey to a Star (1983)
Gypsy Magic (1983)
The Unwanted Wedding (1983)
A Duke in Danger (1983)
Lights, Laughter and a Lady (1983)
The Unbreakable Spell (1983)
A Rebel Princess (1984)
Moon Over Eden (1984)
The Island Of Love (1984)
The Scots Never Forget (1984)
Fire In The Blood (1984)
Music from The Heart (1987)
132 Revenge Is Sweet (1988)
Saint and the Sinner (1988)
The Earl Rings a Belle (1990)
Love Runs In (1991)
The Sleeping Princess (1991)
Lies for Love (1992)
Love and a Cheetah (1994)
The Patient Bridegroom (1995)
Love, Lies and Marriage (1997)
The Lovelight of Apollo (1998)
In Love, In Lucca (1998)
The Prude and the Prodigal (2001)
Who Can Deny Love (2013)
Desire of the Heart (2020)
An Innocent In Paris (2020)
Stand and Deliver your Heart (2021)
Duel of Hearts (2021)

Publication Order of The Pink Collection books:

A Perfect Way to Heaven (1980)
The Prince Who Wanted Love (1989)
Love and the Clans (1990)
A Dream Come True (1997)
Love Became Theirs (1999)
Lovers In London (1999)
A Kiss in the Desert (1999)
A Virgin Bride (1999)
Learning to Love (1999)
Sailing to Love (2000)
A Paradise on Earth (2000)
Follow Your Heart (2000)
Ruled by Love (2000)
Love Drives in (2000)
The White Witch (2000)
Love in the Highlands (2000)
Love Is Triumphant (2000)
Stars in the Sky (2000)
The Ship of Love (2000)
A Dangerous Disguise (2000)
The Star of Love (2000)
Love in the East (2000)
Love Wins in Berlin (2000)
A Heart in Heaven (2000)
Love Is the Reason for Living (2000)
The Heart of Love (2000)
The House of Happiness (2000)
The Cross of Love (2000)
Love Rescues Rosanna (2000)
Royalty Defeated by Love (2000)
They Sought Love (2000)
They Found Their Way to Heaven (2000)
Journey to Happiness (2000)
Theirs to Eternity (2000)
An Archangel Called Ivan (2001)
Rescued by Love (2001)
Love Solves the Problem (2001)
The Weapon is Love (2001)
A Call of Love (2001)
The Richness of Love (2004)
Love Finds a Treasure (2004)
The Keys of Love (2006)
Forever and Ever (2007)
An Unexpected Love (2007)
Saved by an Angel (2007)
Touching the Stars (2007)
Seeking Love (2007)
Journey to Love (2007)
Love by the Lake (2007)
The Waters of Love (2008)
A Kiss from the Heart (2008)
Danger to the Duke (2008)
Rivals for Love (2008)
This Way to Heaven (2008)
A Princess Prays (2008)
The Triumph of Love (2009)
A Change of Hearts (2009)
The Marquis Is Trapped (2010)
Hide and Seek for Love (2010)
Love by Moonlight (2010)
The Tree of Love (2010)
Love at Last (2011)
Mine for Ever (2011)
The Unbroken Dream (2011)
In Hiding (2011)
Love at the Tower (2011)
The Earl's Revenge (2011)
The Castle (2012)
A Kiss of Love (2012)
The Magnificent Marquis (2012)
The Gates of Paradise (2012)
A Heaven on Earth (2012)
A Lucky Star (2012)
A Royal Love Match (2012)
The Duke Is Deceived (2012)
A Miracle of Love (2012)
A Shooting Star (2012)
Love Came from Heaven (2012)
Love and Apollo (2012)
A Castle of Dreams (2012)
A Battle of Brains (2012)
They Touched Heaven (2012)
A Prayer for Love (2012)
Love Conquers War (2012)
A Flight to Heaven (2012)
A Heart Finds Love (2012)
A Heart in Chains (2012)
The Healing Hand (2012)
The Trail to Love (2012)
The Winning Post Is Love (2012)
Love and the Gods (2012)
The Mountain of Love (2012)
The Revelation Is Love (2012)
To Heaven with Love (2012)
Money or Love (2012)
It Is Love (2012)
Joined by Love (2012)
Pray for Love (2012)
Secret Love (2012)
Search for a Wife (2012)
The Queen Wins (2012)
A Steeplechase for Love (2012)
A Teacher of Love (2012)
Wanted - A Royal Wife (2012)
Hiding from Love (2012)
A Rose in Jeopardy (2013)
Love's Dream in Peril (2013)
The King Without a Heart (2013)
A Sacrifice for Love (2013)
Soft, Sweet and Gentle (2013)
A Prisioner in Paris (2013)
A Battle of Love (2014)
Danger in the Desert (2014)
Love Has No Name (2014)
A Golden Lie (2014)
In Search of Love (2014)
A Road to Romance (2014)
She Wanted Love (2014)
The Earl Elopes (2014)
A Wilder Kind of Love (2014)
The Bride Runs Away (2014)
Beyond the Horizon (2014)
Crowned by Music (2014)
Blessing of the Gods (2014)
Saved by the Duke (2015)
A Train to Love (2015)
Wanted - A Bride (2015)
Hiding from the Fortune-Hunters (2015)
The Marquis Is Deceived (2015)
The Viscount's Revenge (2015)
Captured by love (2015)
An Ocean of Love (2015)
No Bride, No Wedding (2015)
A Strange Way to Find Love (2016)
For the Love of Scotland (2016)
Double the Love (2016)
A Beauty Betrayed (2016)
One Minute to Love (2016)
Love for Eternity (2016)
Secret Danger (2016)
Music From Heaven (2016)
The Duke Hated Women (2016)
An Angel From Heaven (2016)
The King Wins (2017)
They Ran Away (2017)
Love Saves the Day (2017)
Love Finds the Way (2017)
The Castle of Love (2017)
Music Is the Soul of Love (2017)
The Importance of Love (2017)
Love Under the Stars (2017)
She Fell in Love (2017)
The Earl in Peril (2017)
Love Cannot Fail (2017)
A Princess Runs Away (2017)
From the Dangers of Russia to Love (2018)
Love Danced In (2018)
Love Finds the Duke at Last (2018)

Publication Order of Standalone Novels:

His Hour (1910)
Bars of Iron (1916)
The Bars Of Iron (1916)
Jig-Saw (1925)
The Sons of the Sheik (1925)
Sawdust (1926)
If the Tree Is Saved (1929)
For What? (1930)
Sweet Punishment (1931)
A Virgin In Mayfair (1932)
Dance On My Heart (1933)
Just Off Piccadilly (1933)
Not Love Alone (1933)
A Rainbow to Heaven (1934)
A Beggar Wished (1934)
Love and Linda (1935)
First Class, Lady? (1935)
Passionate Attainment (1935)
The Forgotten City (1936)
Dangerous Experiment (1936)
The Adventurer (1937)
Love at Forty (1937)
But Never Free (1937)
Saga At Forty (1937)
The Bitter Winds of Love (1938)
Broken Barriers (1938)
Lost Love (1939)
The Black Panther (1939)
Love in Pity (1939)
The Gods Forget (1939)
Now Rough, Now Smooth (1941)
A Heart is Broken (1942)
The Leaping Flame (1942)
Open Wings (1942)
Sleeping Swords (1942)
The Dark Stream (1944)
Out of Reach (1945)
Yet She Follows (1945)
Armour Against Love (1945)
The Hidden Heart (1946)
Against the stream (1946)
Again This Rapture (1947)
The Dream Within (1947)
Where is Love? (1947)
If We Will (1947)
No Heart is Free (1948)
The Enchanted Moment (1949)
The Knave of Hearts (1950)
Love Is an Eagle (1951)
Love is Mine (1952)
The Secret Heart (1952)
Cupid Rides Pillion (1952)
Love Is The Enemy (1952)
The Passionate Pilgrim (1952)
The Lady and the Highwayman (1952)
Love Me Forever (1953)
Blue Heather (1953)
Enchanted Waltz (1955)
Metternich, The Passionate Diplomat (1955)
Bewitching Women (1955)
The Coin of Love (1956)
The Captive Heart (1956)
The Thief of Love (1957)
The Scandalous Life of King Carol (1957)
Love, Life and Sex (1957)
Lights of Love (1958)
A Kiss of Silk (1959)
The Smuggled Heart (1959)
The Price is Love (1960)
Husbands and Wives (1961)
A Light to the Heart (1962)
Royal Lovers (1962)
The many facets of love (1963)
The Unpredictable Bride (1964)
Danger by the Nile (1964)
Love on the Run (1965)
Theft of a Heart (1966)
Love To The Rescue (1967)
Love Is Contraband (1968)
The Enchanting Evil (1968)
The Wings of Love (1968)
I Search for Rainbows (1969)
The Secret Fear (1970)
Messenger Of Love (1970)
Smuggled Heart (1970)
Wings on My Heart (1970)
Love Holds the Cards (1971)
Love and Marriage (1971)
The Complacent Wife (1972)
A Halo for the Devil (1972)
Lines on Life and Love (1972)
The Wicked Marquis (1973)
The Daring Deception (1973)
A Virgin In Paris (1973)
Josephine, Empress of France (1973)
The Bored Bridegroom (1974)
The Castle of Fear (1974)
The Cruel Count (1974)
Lessons in Love (1974)
A Sword to the Heart (1974)
Journey to Paradise (1974)
The Little Adventure (1974)
The Private Life of Charles II (1974)
The Frightened Bride (1975)
A Very Naughty Angel (1975)
The Devil In Love (1975)
The Mask of Love (1975)
An Arrow of Love (1975)
Desperate Defiance (1975)
Bewitched (1975)
Towards the Stars (1975)
A Frame of Dreams (1975)
Conquered by Love (1976)
The Incredible Honeymoon (1976)
The Elusive Earl (1976)
A Dream From The Night (1976)
Diane De Poitiers (1976)
Fragrant Flower (1976)
The Heart Triumphant (1976)
The Mysterious Maid-Servant (1977)
The Wild, Unwilling Wife (1977)
The Temptation of Torilla (1977)
The Hell Cat and the King (1977)
The Dragon and the Pearl (1977)
The Naked Battle (1977)
Love Locked In (1977)
Taming of Lady Lorinda (1977)
Kiss The Moonlight (1977)
The Rhapsody of Love (1977)
The Curse of the Clan (1977)
The Irresistible Force (1978)
The Twists and Turns of Love (1978)
A Fugitive from Love (1978)
The Judgement of Love (1978)
The Unknown Heart (1978)
The Problems of Love (1978)
Magic or Mirage (1978)
A Runaway Star (1978)
The Drums of Love (1979)
Light of the Moon (1979)
The Treasure Is Love (1979)
A Safety Match (1979)
A Serpent of Satan (1979)
The Explosion of Love (1979)
Love in the Moon (1980)
Money, Magic and Marriage (1980)
Vote for Love (1980)
The Perfection Of Love (1980)
Only a Girl's Love (1980)
Ashes of Desire (1980)
Free From Fear (1980)
Little White Doves of Love (1980)
My Brother Ronald (1980)
The Waltz of Hearts (1981)
Dreams Do Come True (1981)
Secret Harbor (1981)
Afraid (1981)
The Lioness and the Lily (1981)
A Night of Gaiety (1981)
The Lion Tamer (1981)
Tetherstones (1981)
The Kiss of Life (1981)
Touch a Star (1981)
Love Rules (1982)
Vibrations of Love (1982)
Moments Of Love (1982)
Tempted to Love (1983)
Help From The Heart (1983)
Getting Older, Growing Younger (1984)
Love Has His Way (1984)
Island Masquerade (1985)
Loves Comes to the Castle (1989)
Free as the Wind (1989)
Desire in the Desert (1989)
The Music of Love (1989)
Barbara Cartlands Year of Royal Days (1989)
Royal Eccentrics (1989)
Royal Jewels (1989)
A Game of Love (1990)
Heaven in Hong Kong (1990)
An Innocent Mayfair (1991)
The Scent of Roses (1991)
Stolen Halo (1992)
Drena and the Duke (1992)
The Magic Of Paris (1993)
A Duel of Jewels (1993)
The Duke's Dilemma (1994)
Apocalypse of the Heart (1995)
A Heart of Stone (1998)
Love Under Fire (2019)

Publication Order of Non-Fiction books:

Ronald Cartland (1942)
The Isthmus Years (1943)
The Years of Opportunity (1948)
Etiquette Hand: A Guide to Good Behaviour from the Boudoir to the Boardroom (1950)
Book of Etiquette (1950)
Etiquette for Love and Romance (1950)
The Fascinating Forties (1954)
The Outrageous Queen: A Biography of Christina of Sweden (1956)
Look Lovely, Be Lovely (1958)
The Private Life of Elizabeth, Empress of Austria (1959)
Vitamins for Vitality (1959)
Sex and the Teenager (1964)
The Pan of Charm (1965)
The Youth Secret (1968)
The Magic Of Honey (1970)
Health Food Cookery (1971)
Polly: The Story of my Wonderful Mother (1971)
Book of Beauty and Health (1972)
Woman--the enigma (1974)
Food for Love (1975)
Book of Useless Information (1977)
Recipes for Lovers (1977)
We Danced All Night (1977)
Book of Love and Lovers (1978)
I Seek the Miraculous (1978)
The Light of Love: Lines to Live by Day by Day (1979)
Scrap (1980)
Romantic Royal Marriages (1981)
Written With Love: Passionate Love Letters (1982)
Keep Young And Beautiful (1982)
Book of Celebrities (1983)
The Romance of Food (1984)
Book of Health (1985)
I Reach for the Stars (1995)
Barbara Cartland's Guide To Romance Writing (2000)
Barbara Cartland On Romance Writing (2002)