Contact Us

If you have any queries please contact Kitty

Email:  Tel: +44 (0)7803 531867

Or feel free to contact us on the form below:

An antique Typewriter advertisement illustration in black and white from The Royal Typewriter Co. N.Y. USA

Complete our Contact Form:

Our Contact Information

Business Hours

Our Business Operating Hours are:

Mon - Sat 9am to 6pm GMT

As we are based in the UK our operating hours are based within the GMT Time Zone.


We aim to respond to all enquiries as soon as possible - usually within a few hours depending upon your location and timezone.

Kitty is usually available on the helpdesk between 12 pm and 6pm weekdays to answer queries, alternatively another member of the team will respond within 24 hrs.

Office Address

Our office address is: 76 St Mary's Road, Doncaster DN1 2NP, United Kingdom

*Please note this is a correspondence address only and we will advise you of our separate Returns Centre address during any necessary Returns Process.

Book Inventory

Our inventory of books is stored in a separate climate controlled storage unit.

*Please note if you require additional photographs there may be a short wait whilst we access an item to photograph for you.